What is Your ‘Photographer Type’?
As photographers, we’re a diverse bunch—this crazy industry is home to an array of different personalities. But many of us fall into specific patterns of behavior that affect the success of our businesses. Our personalities, our likes and dislikes, and our strengths and weaknesses all shape these behavioral patterns. A ‘Photographer Type’ is the sum of all these parts and reveals how you handle the day to day running of your business.
After years in the industry, and talking to thousands of photographers, we have developed our own 'Photographer Type' personality test. We surveyed hundreds of photographers to gather advice and gain insight into their businesses. We took what we learned and found similarities among the most successful, using this research to develop a quiz that is relevant specifically to photographers.
Whether you’re ‘The Artist,’ The Hustler,’ The Businessperson,’ The Perfectionist,’ or ‘The Storyteller’ you can gain valuable insights into how your likes, dislikes, and personality traits are affecting your business, and what you could be doing to profit from your strengths.
Take our ‘Photographer Type’ Quiz here.
But why does your ‘Photographer Type’ matter? We’ve outlined four key reasons that explain why you should understand your business personality.
Learn how to harness your strengths
As essential as it is to grow from your weaknesses, it’s equally important to leverage your strengths. In the age of social media, it’s impossible not to compare yourself and your business to every other wedding photographer out there. Constant comparison can make it hard to remember where your strengths are. By understanding what makes you great at what you do, you can find ways to profit from the things you are already good at.
Focus on your weaknesses
Do you know where your weaknesses as a business owner lie? Perhaps you do, but seeing them written in black and white forces you to confront them. Personality quizzes present a balanced picture of both your strengths and weaknesses, helping you identify areas of concern.
Identify opportunities for growth
An industry-specific quiz should help spark ideas for both immediate and long-term improvements. It’s not enough to know your strengths and weaknesses—you need a plan. Actionable opportunities for growth are a great way to give you the jump on your competition and help you build a profitable business.
Gain confidence as a business owner
Never underestimate the amount of confidence knowledge gives you. If you’ve ever tackled a large goal, you’ll know the feeling of facing your obstacles with a clear plan in place. You feel as if nothing can stop you. Know your strengths and weaknesses, then identify a plan of action that works to your advantage. You can go about growing your businesses secure in the knowledge that it is the perfect plan to suit you.